The Theft of God’s Property
It is not a good idea to steal from God

There are no thiefts in Heaven

Yes, I am a thief or was at one time. That may seem strange to most people but that was actually what I was. To give you a perspective it is like a very rich man attending a soup kitchen or going to a food handout organization where the poor or hungry and homeless depend on food made available to them. He goes there every day, taking away and storing food that is needed by the poor. The food provided to the poor is a blessing but for the rich man, it is theft of a blessing not meant for him.

While we could go full political at this point and talk about things like taxes and laws, that is not the purpose of my confession of being a thief of God’s property.

Also, the purpose of this blog is for you to answer the question “Are you a thief as well”? Like me, you may have spent your whole life never actually thinking that thought. Like me, you may have been happy with your state in life. All was well? Or was it?

The Operation of God’s will

To understand this theft thing we must be aware of how God operates in our world and universe. Yes for sure God is love, but He is much more. Loving, compassionate, kind, merciful, and just. There are many other attributes but these are just a few. In all actions, God tries to be loving first of all as HE IS LOVE, but just one attribute must be contained in all the others. Example: God will try to be merciful and offer mercy, but mercy is denied by those it is offered to will and must face justice. In fact, it is demanded. It makes God what God is as there are no contradictions in God’s actions and will. God can offer mercy after mercy if it is His will but all will be placed into His demand for justice. As I said above “ It is not a good idea to steal from God”!

The States of men

So what about the states of men? If you do not believe in God or curse Him or follow the father of all lies or if your will is your god, then you are not only an exile but a thief of everything that God has placed at your disposal. This has nothing to do with “If you deserve it” as no creature on this planet at this time deserves anything unless it is God’s will and mercy or even better you are living in God’s will.

 Your life and every second of it is recorded or stored in the infinite mind of the Creator. No God is not running a hidden camera state! It is all about the final judgment. There you will be presented with your scroll. While you are alive you can change what is on that scroll, even a young person or much older like me. At death, the scroll is sealed up.

Rules 1 in Heaven and His Kingdom

Rule 1 in heaven: There are no sinners and only saints in heaven. There are no thieves or prostitutes or murderers or any evil that you can imagine in your human mind at the moment. That may sound strange to some people who thought Jesus died for our sins and so I go directly to heaven. Yes, you went to Jesus and told Him you are my Lord, Savior, and redeemer. Please forgive me ALL my sins which I am very sorry for having committed. Would He forgive you? The answer to your confusion can be found in “The Operation of God’s will” above. Yes, Jesus can be merciful but there is ALWAYS the justice thing that is attached to the mercy. Justice demands that you be purified for your sins. Just saying Jesus, Jesus is not the answer. All those little red and yellow sections in your scroll must be purified before you end up as a saint in heaven. Purification is available here on earth or in a place very similar to hell called purgatory.


You may not believe in purgatory and that is OK, but how else would you pay (be purified) for your sins? Sin has consequences and one of them is separation from God and His kingdom. Paying for and forgiving are two different things. Jesus redeemed you so you could have the option of purification. Before your redemption, that option was not available. In human life, things are the same way. You steal from a store and are caught. You go to court and the judge in his mercy says, OK, you do not have a previous record of theft and you will not be charged with it, but you must pay back the money you took or I will put you in jail and charge you. Is that not Mercy followed by Justice? God operates in the same way. Mercy and justice, Love and Justice. There is no way to separate or eliminate them.
It is why God is perfect in all things and loves you perfectly.

About Me so you may see yourself in me
So how was I a thief? What did I do to become one? To make matters worse in my case as I arrived in the court of Divine Justice, I knew and understood everything I have written above, and by understanding the blessing of knowledge of who I was and what I was I became a thief anyway. It sounds like the beginning of a story with a bad ending does it not? I could not plead ignorance or a victim of circumstances and there was no way that I could plead that it was someone else’s failure. Excuses or blaming others would never work. I had been caught with the evidence in hand. It was all recorded in my scroll. The judge had the charge read.
I was charged with the theft of God’s blessing, His creation, and anything he had given to those who loved Him. I had eaten the food, breathed the air, and enjoyed the wonders of the world and universe. I had children whom I did not instruct and never cared for their education on the things of God’s love. I had used my precious free will, my mind and memory, and my hands and feet to follow my will. To take and choose what I wanted. I had been self-centered and what was important was my will and what I wanted. My scroll was littered with yellow and red with a few white places.
It was looking really bad for me. And as the charges were read the evidence was taken from my scroll for all to see, As life whirled around me as I was shown pictures, thoughts, and the results of my theft I almost collapsed with the horror of it all. It was me they were showing, yes it was really me and I had no defense. It was such firm evidence that nothing I could do, not even words could change. It went on and on, all those years written on my scroll.

Verdict and Sentencing

It was a lifetime of theft of God’s blessings. When it was all over, I was brought to face the Judge. How do you plead My child the Judge asked. I could hardly talk but finally admitted that I was guilty of all charges and that I placed my very being at His mercy.
The judge then looked at me with true love. As you probably know, you are not worthy to live in My kingdom, and your life to this point only points to living away from Me for eternity does it not? I could only shake my head in a yes.

The Judge then looking at my shattered and sin-broken life spoke these words.
Here is My verdict and sentencing. It is very fortunate that your scroll has not been sealed up, and that you are still alive in this world I have created for those who love Me. Therefore I find you guilty of theft of all that is dear to me, but because you are alive there Is nothing I can do to you that will not happen later at your death if you continue to be a thief of My precious love. Separation from me for eternity is a choice you must make. It is made by you, not Me. By your choices and will not My will.
Therefore I am releasing you as My glorious and infinite attributes demand that I do so. For your sentence, I will provide you with a free blessing that I make available to all men whether they be saints or sinners. Because you are alive and capable of change if you so desire, I will offer you the Divine Gift of My will. If you take this gift that you do not deserve and fuse and merge your will with mine you will no longer be a thief but an image of Me. It is of course your choice.

This trial is over said an angel. All rise as our Glorious Redeemer and Judge exits.

Passing out they moved me back to my place on earth. When I awoke from my sleep there was only one thought. How would I become an image of Jesus the Mighty Judge and obtain this gift offered in my trial? It would become my everything and the only thing for the rest of my life.
Thank you for reading my blog.

Note: not all of the above is fiction! But Last night I had a dream. In the dream, God called a great meeting. Apparently, I had been called to this meeting. In this meeting I was there but also a group of other humans. God the Father was also there and He brought with Him His blessed ones. From this meeting, came a great voice. The Father and His blessed ones proposed a question. They also explained that if the answer to the question was wrong, then mankind would not progress anymore and that NOT a great flood of water but fire would purge humanity much like in the days of Noah. At that point, I woke up and I thought about what I had just dreamed. Then I remembered this blog I wrote. The great meeting then is about completing creation. We were created (Creation). We were redeemed by Jesus on the cross (Redemption). and the last thing and part of creation will be purification (sanctification). So (I think) that these three parts, which are Creation, Redemption, and finally Sanctification are soon to be completed. The earth is being called to live in the will of God which is the Sanctification. Those who refuse to live in His will cannot be part of His kingdom. After the purge, those humans left will enjoy a 1000 years of peace. Then to wrap up all of this will be judgment.

My question to anyone who reads this is what is on your Scroll? And what was the question asked?